Thursday, December 11, 2014

How to Plant An Organic Lawn - The Series Begins

Planting an Organic Lawn - Series Begins - Lavende&Lemonade

So this picture might not look like much...but I literally jumped for joy right before I took it.  After a year of having the worst yard in the neighborhood, we've now been skyrocketed into the top tier!  The "event" in this photo was a major turning point, one that was months in the making!

Now that I'm confident in the results - I'd hate to steer anyone in the wrong direction - I'll be writing about the steps we took to get here and the lessons we learned along the way.

One thing is for sure, it was a big investment in time to turn our patch of weeds and dead grass and turn it into something beautiful.  I researched along each turn to make sure we were headed in the right direction, and learned so much along the way.  I can't wait to spread the knowledge and share with you in this upcoming STEPS TO A BEAUTIFUL, ORGANIC LAWN series.

Before getting started, here are some tips to consider:

- Think through how you use or plan to use the space.  Is it a family play area? A place for the dog to run?  Just to look out from the window?  This has a huge impact on the choices you'll make for your yard.

- Learn about your current situation.  Is the current growth (or lack thereof) a species that is good for your region?  Is it one that you like? How is your soil? 

- Collect ideas for end results that you love.  Pinterest is a great source, feel free to visit my boards for a head start!

- Have good equipment.  We learned this the hard way...I went through so many bad tools before figuring out that having good quality equipment from the start is worth it.  Chances are there will be a fair amount of digging and watering to do, so invest wisely.  Now that the grass is in and established, I've moved from a rugged hose to a more convenient expandable hose like this onethat makes quick spot-waterings much easier.  

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using


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